Six Sigma Certification
Ready for Certification? Completed a Blankpaper International training or other training organisations Six Sigma Training? Want your training recognized?
BPI provide professional Lean Six Sigma certification. We provide unbiased verification of LSS knowledge through globally recognized Lean Six Sigma Black Belt, Green Belt, and Yellow Belt Certification exams.
In this day and age where Six Sigma training and knowledge has been ‘dumbed down’ to the state where it is completely different from the original Six Sigma course run in the early 1990’s. BPI expect students to be pass rigorous standards.
Certification requirements take the form of:
- Attendance of recognized training course
- Sit and Pass a BPI exam with a minimum score of 80% correct.
- Completion of a designated number of practical projects
Upon successful achievement, Professionals will receive a ‘Blankpaper Tech’ certificate, including a certification number, added to the official BPI Certification register and granted the right to use the BPI Tech certification marks and titles.